Terms of use
Although efforts are made to ensure the quality of the data and metadata, we cannot guarantee that they contain no errors. Therefore,
the data available on the CEN Nordicana D and on the Polar Data Catalogue websites are provided without a warranty of any kind.
To recognize the important role of the data providers, data users should formally recognize data providers,
contributors and sources. The data published in Nordicana D shoud be cited as any other scientific paper.
How to cite data:
CEN 2013. Environmental data from Northern Ellesmere Island in Nunavut, Canada, v. 1.0 (2002-2012). Nordicana D1, doi: 10.5885/44985SL-8F203FD3ACCD4138.
Before downloading and using data from Nordicana D, you are kindly requested to consult the document
Nordicana D and CEN Data Policy.