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| McKinnon, L., Berteaux, D., Bêty, J. 2014. Predator-mediated interactions between lemmings and shorebirds: a test of the alternative prey hypothesis. Auk 131: 619:628. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1642/AUK-13-154.1. |
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| McKinnon, L., Smith P.A., Nol E., Martin J.L., Doyle F.I., Abraham K.F., Gilchrist H.G., Morrison R.I.G. and Bêty J. 2010. Lower predation risk for migratory birds at high latitudes. Science (report) 327:326-327. DOI: 10.1126/science.1183010. |
| Weiser AL, Lanctot RB, Brown SC, Gates HR, Bentzen RL, Bêty J, Boldenow ML, English WB, Franks SE, Koloski L, Kwon E, Lamarre JF, Lank DB, Liebezeit JR, McKinnon L, Nol E, Rausch J, Saalfeld ST, Senner NR, Ward DH, Woodard PF, Sandercock BK. 2018. Environmental and ecological conditions at Arctic breeding sites have limited effects on true survival rates of adult shorebirds. Auk. 135:29-43. DOI: 10.1111/jav.01531. |
| Weiser EL, Brown SC, Lanctot RB, Gates HR, Abraham K, Bentzen RL, Bêty J, Boldenow ML, Brook R, Donnelly TF, English WB, Flemming SA, Franks SE, Gilchrist HG, Giroux MA, Johnson A, Kendall, S. Kennedy LV, Koloski L, Kwon E, Lamarre JF, Lank DB, Latty, CJ, Lecomte N, Liebezeit JR, McKinnon L, Nol E, Perz J, Rausch J, Robards M, Saalfeld St, Senner NR, Smith PA, Soloviev M, Solovyeva D, Ward DH, Woodard PF, Sandercock BK. 2018. Effects of environmental conditions on reproductive effort and nest success of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Ibis. 160:608-623. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12571. |
| Weiser EL, Brown SC, Lanctot RB, Gates HR, Abraham K, Bentzen RL, Bêty J, Boldenow ML, Brook R, Donnelly TF, English WB, Flemming SA, Franks SE, Gilchrist HG, Giroux MA, Johnson A, Kennedy LV, Koloski L, Kwon E, Lamarre JF, Lank DB, Lecomte N, Liebezeit JR, McKinnon L, Nol E, Perz J, Rausch J, Robards M, Saalfeld St, Senner NR, Smith PA, Soloviev M, Solovyeva D, Ward DH, Woodard PF, Sandercock BK. 2018. Life-history tradeoffs revealed by seasonal declines in reproductive traits of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Journal Avian Biology. e01531. DOI: 10.1111/jav.01531.. |